Friday, August 27, 2004


After a almost two weeks today i experienced that pressure again..and i realised how i was missing all that :p i knw the team wud react like !!!! but then..that's me :)

Finally Vista has come to an end.. :-) u bet..i deserve a nice big treat for myself ;-)
But i guess now i'll miss all that pressure we had..sometimes you do get kicks outta all this. And now that i have recieved a mail from the QA signing off the course and wishing the team Best Of Luck...i feel contended. Though Monday will see a round of defect/suggestion fight between the QA and the team but isn't it all worth it?! I say it is!!

Thursday, August 26, 2004

what else...

what else would I think at this time of the day..when i'm through with all my stuff (work, calls..etc) except for updating my blog :) i sometimes wonder what has caught up with me that all i can think of apart from my work is reading a book (i'm reading Stardust these days) and updating my blog..!! something seriously wrong with me yaar..coz i'm not one of those hard-core readers and neither am i a hardcore blogger! Bhai..Shiv..any comments? ;-) I think you guys should be proud of me for this..isn't it? :-p

we went for a team lunch today..after a loong time..was fun as usual :) some more vela time went to our credit ;-)

oops..TIMES UP!!! coz a friend who is supposed to drop me home is already standing on my head..umm..not literally...but he is waiting for me and i hate to make people wait just as i hate waiting for i'm off now!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Oh baba what to do..?

If you have a bad memory at bad movies this is a song featuring Suniel Shetty and Rambha...I'm sure Bhai and Shiv would be familiar to this one ;-)

You ask: But what is the context of this song anyway..?

I say: NOTHING!!

You wonder what I am trying to say...

I say: Actually..I don't have almost N-I-L work to do today and thought of checking up some blogs.

You say: !! so? that doesn't explain it ALL.

I say: HEHEHAHAHAHAHAHA!! If only I had reasons for most of the things I do..I won't be what I am ;-)

Monday, August 23, 2004


Well..for those who knw me..this is nothing new :)

But anyway, these days have been wondering too much! What am I doing in my life..What I should do..What i should not do..What is right..What is wrong... *phew* Things are just bottling up within me. Not that I am sad or tensed about something..but somehow I am not the usual self. Just not at all comfortable with whatever I am doing.

Today morning while getting ready I (yet again) thought about it. Thought about all the pros and cons of things that are troubling me. Tried to convince myself that whatever I am doing is good for me...but somehow I was not able to convince myself about anything!! Which was all-the-more strange coz I am used to doing that whenever I am in doubt.

I am still wondering what this is all about. Still wondering what to do and what not to do. Still wondering if its just a minor phase in my life or is it something else.

Still wondering if I've lost it!! Most likeliy I have ;-) {couldn't take the seriousness yaar!}

But at the end..I just hope I am out of this confused state of mind ASAP! As it is I have lil brains and if I use it up all with such stuff..then man!! I'm in big trouble!! ;-)

Sunday, August 22, 2004


yup..the title says it ALL :-)

after a looong wait I saw Shrek-2 y' i happy or what? :-)