Saturday, December 11, 2004

About Dancing bug and Creeks in my body!

Y'day we had a party. Though I was not feeling too well, I danced my way out almost 3-4 hrs. Well as usual I enjoyed every bit of my dance :) This is one bug that is there within me that I guess will never go..for that matter I never let it go. Its so nice to vent out everything by dancing for hours and hours together. It just feels soooo amazingly good. an after effect my body is all creeky now. No I'm not kidding. You try being next to me for sometime and I'm sure u'll listen to 10-15 creeks in 1 min. There is no part of my body that is not paining. But I'm sure that even now if someone puts on good music, it won't stop me from dancing for hours together again.
