Thursday, August 26, 2004

what else...

what else would I think at this time of the day..when i'm through with all my stuff (work, calls..etc) except for updating my blog :) i sometimes wonder what has caught up with me that all i can think of apart from my work is reading a book (i'm reading Stardust these days) and updating my blog..!! something seriously wrong with me yaar..coz i'm not one of those hard-core readers and neither am i a hardcore blogger! Bhai..Shiv..any comments? ;-) I think you guys should be proud of me for this..isn't it? :-p

we went for a team lunch today..after a loong time..was fun as usual :) some more vela time went to our credit ;-)

oops..TIMES UP!!! coz a friend who is supposed to drop me home is already standing on my head..umm..not literally...but he is waiting for me and i hate to make people wait just as i hate waiting for i'm off now!!


sam said...

lets see you finish a book and start another... THEN we'll see. :P

Chunks said...


it cant be..

its at the second place in the list of worst team lunch in gurgaon.